Newsletter • Winter 2022

Highlights from 2022

Raise The Region

God raised up $24,929 through Raise The Region! These funds covered 55% of the cost of the Missions Expo. 

Experience Missions Warehouse

Signed official lease with Cable Service Co./Inc. for use of a spacious 7,000 sq. ft. warehouse.

Supporting Church

The Lycoming Centre Presbyterian Youth & VBS financially sponsored a ministry aid event… Awesome event. 16 youths worked multiple sessions at the warehouse to pack a variety of ministry aid.

Lancaster, PA Bus Trip

We sold out a bus trip of 52 volunteers who traveled to Christian Aid Ministries. We transported 1,147 hygiene kits for Ukrainian refugees & packed a variety of additional aid.

Thank You!

Many thanks to supporting churches, faithful donors, & community volunteers for all the aid packed. Through the distribution of this ministry aid via our partner ministries, people in need will hear the good news of Jesus Christ.

Coming in 2023… 

  • “Maximize Your Giving” discussion events 

  • Raise The Region (our largest fundraiser event of the year!)

  • Charter Bus trip to Christian Aid Ministries

  • Packing events at the Experience Missions 

Family News

We celebrated Thanksgiving with our entire family In January we are joyously anticipating the arrival of our first two grandchildren! We are very thankful to God that our adult children are walking with the Lord 

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Future Communication Note:

With the cost of inflation and the fact that nearly 97% of Americans have a cell phone, we plan to use text messaging & email rather than sending letters through the mail.


Newsletter • Spring 2023


Newsletter • Fall 2022